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Swiss Data Security : who we are

Who we are

Swiss Data Security SA was born from the experience of a few highly qualified data protection professionals to design the best privacy and protection solutions for personal data.

Swiss Data Security : Crypto


CRYPTO is the most complete data protecion solution for all those professionals that need to protect their business data like passwords, files, documents design data, marketing data, sales data (and more) inside their own PC.

Note about bitcoins and Crypto

Swiss Data Security : contacts


Swiss Data Security SA aims at entrepreneurs and professionals of all kinds like tax consultants, lawyers, managers, financials consultants, management consultants, doctors, dentists that need high standard data security and privacy both for storage, local use and transmission.

Traditional Swiss privacy is cast into our products for personal data security. Nowadays, no business can ignore the threats to corporate data and all businesses deserve the best technology to protect their most precious assets.

Our goal is to provide our customers the most secure and complete solutions to manage their digital activities safely, with ease, efficiently and with trust.